Proiecte eTwinning

eTwinning este comunitatea şcolilor din Europa

eTwinning ofera personalului didactic (profesori, directori, bibliotecari etc.) ce activeaza in scolile din tarile europene participante o platforma de comunicare, colaborare, demarare proiecte si schimb de informatii, pe scurt, un spatiu in care sa simta ca fac parte din cea mai palpitanta comunitate educationala din Europa.

eTwinning a devenit parte integranta a Erasmus+, Programul UE pentru Educa?ie, Formare, Tineret ?i Sport.

Improve your critical thinking skills, solve the problems

  • 25.12.2020

“Improve your critical thinking skills, solve the problems” represents self-guided, self-disciplined thinking which attempts to reason at the highest level of quality in a fair-minded way. People who think critically and consistently attempt to live rationally, reasonably, empathically.

Through this project, we want to offer our students the chance to discover themselves as young citizens who are capable of thinking creatively, critically, who know their role and possibilities in the democratic processes they are affected by. We want them to know that they are in charge of their own future and they should not let themselves be manipulated by others. They will create their own network of Active citizens and will communicate about the pressing issues of the world today on their own forum.

Green energy = Green life

  • 22.12.2020

The safeguarding of the environment is a crucial topic nowadays. This topic isn’t often dealt with at school in an enthralling way, so students are not really interested in it and are not conscious of its relevance and of the impact ontheir own lives. The main aim of the partnership is to make students aware of the significance of adopting alternative sources of energy.


  • 20.12.2020

Technology is seen by many educators, teachers, and researchers as an indicator of high quality in education.
Basically, the subject of our project is based on how we can keep up with the modern world by integrating information and communication technologies and web2.0 tools integrated with teaching and learning techniques into education and training with innovative applications. As stated in the European Commission Lisbon Strategy, the measures envisaged under the Lisbon Strategy for all the communities to implement a more advanced research and development policies
for the Europe 2020 information society, to achieve a smart, sustainable, environmentally and inclusive growth, a competitive and knowledge-based economic transition. aims to accelerate the development of the information society and the establishment of the European Research Area. 

DEMOcracy Sprouts at School

  • 20.12.2020

Democracy is one of the keystones of creating the modern world. It is a system which attaches importance to human rights and freedom and promotes them as much as possible in the modern dimensions. It also places emphasis on significant values such as empathy, equality, respect to diversities, tolerance, justice, active citizenship and reconciliation. These significant values constitute the basic values of the European Union. According to the analyses carried out, the participating schools have the need of transforming themselves into more democratic institutions by raising awareness towards democracy and democracy-based values among all of their stakeholders and offering them opportunities to take part in the decision-making process.

Gânduri pentru o lume mai bună

  • 13.12.2020

Proiectul "Gânduri pentru o lume mai bună" se adresează adolescențilorși se dorește a fi un bun prilej de a îi determina să reflecteze asupra problemelor lumii contemporane, ca de exemplu: schimbările climatice, sărăcia, foametea, educația, inegalitățile de gen sau de șanse, inechitățile sociale, etc. 


  • 06.11.2020

The number of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) related jobs is growing every year. In fact, STEAM job growth in the past 10 years is three times that of any other field in EU, but by 2025 it is estimated that the demand for STEAM jobs will go unfilled. Yet, STEAM education programs have not kept pace with which makes us think that whether there will be enough qualified employees available to take on these new positions. To fill in this gap in our environments with international. partnership, we have designed this eTwinning project:

Culture On Stage (COS)

  • 07.01.2019

Our project focused on theatre to enable the pupils to learn and practise the target language and to have the knowledge of different cultures by interacting each other.Schools and teachers need each other to learn more, interact effectively and explore new perspectives. 

Creative Drama vs Internet And Social Media Addiction

  • 09.01.2020

Internet and social media addiction,which is an important problem of our age,is also an important problem in our school. Communication problems,inability to focus on time, inability to use time effectively, insomnia, posture disorders and loss of anger control are observed in our students who spend most of the day on the internet. 

ReWorld( A Renewable World )

  • 25.01.2019

This project is a representative form of Erasmus+ strategic partnership, exchange of good practices, project on Renewable Energies, renewable energy technologies, energy infrastructure financial support projects, experiences of roof and field installation, teacher training experiences, structured student courses 

Forestry, People and HYDRO-GEOLOGICAL Risk Prevention

  • 16.10.2019

A research about strong points and weaknesses of local Land Management, which can determine success or not by preventing Floods, Landslides, Fires. Ref: Directive 2007/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007 on the assessment and management of flood risks.

SMS for/ To Nature : Style and Music Signs for/ To Nature

  • 02.11.2019

This project is going to support the Erasmus project SMS for/to Nature, being an integral part of it.The students directly involved in the project are vocational school students, coming from different European countries : France, Romania, Turkey and Italy. 

Culture On Stage (COS)

  • 10.01.2019

Our project focused on theatre to enable the pupils to learn and practise the target language and to have the knowledge of different cultures by interacting each other.Schools and teachers need each other to learn more, interact effectively and explore new perspectives. As teachers, we are sure that, for most pupils, this will be a springboard to new individual experiences abroad.So we should enable them to interact other cultures, build up a good relationship with their European fellows in a comfortable atmosphere. In this project we aim that students will be able to have the knowledge of different cultures and get effective communicative skills via drama which enables students to hold a mirror to each other's historical and literature backgrounds. We would like to teach them life lesson and to raise them as active, socially engaged persons who value cultural heritage in their region.

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